Tuesday, October 27, 2015

in the spirit of halloween

In the spirit of halloween I created a skeleten pirate dumy. I named him Capten D.T short for Captan Dead Tom. He was origonaly meant for a horse drawn carrege ride (pirate themed ) for a birthday party i was hired for. I do all sorts of horse drawn carrege parties  and events for all ages.

Monday, October 19, 2015


texture is a great mixture to test the eye. what is it you you see? what is it really? maybe you can tell maybe you cant, use your  eyes and your mind  combind let your imagonation unwind.

Monday, October 12, 2015

dune road.

an adventurase beach trip on dune road. the smell of salt in the aire, the sand beneath my feet and as the wind blows i pick up shells off the coatal line one by one. collecting them in my pockets as they gingle togeather. i spot some old seagal  bones and i say a small brif prayr for the soul past then i collect the bonse to use with the shells to make beeds for jewelry.

Monday, October 5, 2015

"Beleve a Pirate can be a hero. once upon a time"

"Once Upon a Time" tells the story of a new world, one in which fairy tale stories  and modern day . Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector when Henryaka the child she gave up 10 years earlier  suddenly shows up. He is convinced that she is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who sent her away before the Evil Queen could cast a spell, freezing the fairytale world in time and bringing them to present day Storybrooke, Maine. After taking Henry home, Emma decides to stay in the town to keep an eye on him, and she discovers he may not be crazy after all. Hook (Colin O'Donoghue)  is one of the many fairy tail people Emma swan meets. yes Hook as in captian hook from peter pan wich in this case hook doesnt have a bad perm and a waxed mustache instead is quite atractively dashing. and my favorie charector.sometimes wish i was him....any way... as he says there are two things he will fight for for revange and love. some tmes he adds in a ter reason wich is the "me myself and I" but i guess youll have to see te show to find out, I personally love a lot of the charecter build up and all the angles and shots and the plot twists. definatly a must see show if you like plot stwits fantasey and disney storyies or just plain out a different take on fairy tail cuase it doesnt fallow disent but some stories they use disney has used before aswell.