Tuesday, December 8, 2015
jack frost
Jack Frost is the personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, and freezing cold weather, a variant of Old Man Winter held responsible for frosty weather, for nipping the nose and toes in such weather,
port jefferson village The Dickensian Festival
this years dickens festival was the 2oth celibrathin was a blast its celibrated every 1st weekend of december with costumes venders carriage rides caroling and theres even a tree lighting and a paraide hope to see you next year.
Monday, November 23, 2015
true moon
I took a photo of the moon.
Three fun facts about the moon,
1) Did you know that the moon is actually 4.527 billion years old?
2) Did you know Around between 30 or 50 million years after the formation of the solar system is when the earth obtained its moon?
3) Did you know The Moon is drfting away from the earth and will cotinue to do so for th the next 50 bilion years causeing the estimated orbit of the moon to increase in tihe ammount of time it takes to finish its rotaition?
Monday, November 16, 2015
the art of createing a snow globe. it doesnt take long to make , first percess your globe and bace. then decide on your figurine . next use silicone adhisive glue to glue the glue the figueine to the rubber bottpm then fill the glass top with egular tap water and the stowd drops then atach the figurine to the glass top nice and tight then glue in the top to the wood base then lastly decorate the out side any way you lik. and at last you globe is done.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Road Island Zoo!
Went on a famly trp To the RI Zoo saw many different nmals but the most mesmerizin was the grand elifent this was an african elifient not an asian eifent. due the ear size and the fact the SHE hast tusks mens she is an african elifent not an ashian elifent. elifents are rarly attact by other animals in the wild but often by potchers for their husks, they can remin pregnate for u to two years. once a mae elifent is 1 months he is ready to leave his mothers side and be on hs own. a d join a dproninent mail elifent herd.in terky it is belived when witnessing an elifent raise their trunk t is a sige of good luck. reasonbeing is their trunk is their strongest part of their body and if moved out of the way for some one is like saying " i trust you so much im not going t need this the rest of me s vonerable but i trust you"
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
southold /Peconic Animal Shelter
8 year old cat
young lab
Adult pit
I volenteer for the southold animal shelter someties and hees are some photos of animals that have been there that need a forever home. animals cant speack when they need help so we seack for them. southold animal shelter is a NO KILL SHELTER meaning every animal has a erminet chance once there. they stay there till they find a home. please come visit us and maybe just look around atthe very least animal need the social love and compation. who knows maybe youll end up being a forever home for one o thees cute little guys.
Address: 269 Peconic Ln, Peconic, NY 11958
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
in the spirit of halloween
Monday, October 19, 2015
texture is a great mixture to test the eye. what is it you you see? what is it really? maybe you can tell maybe you cant, use your eyes and your mind combind let your imagonation unwind.
Monday, October 12, 2015
dune road.
an adventurase beach trip on dune road. the smell of salt in the aire, the sand beneath my feet and as the wind blows i pick up shells off the coatal line one by one. collecting them in my pockets as they gingle togeather. i spot some old seagal bones and i say a small brif prayr for the soul past then i collect the bonse to use with the shells to make beeds for jewelry.
Monday, October 5, 2015
"Beleve a Pirate can be a hero. once upon a time"
"Once Upon a Time" tells the story of a new world, one in which fairy tale stories and modern day . Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector when Henryaka the child she gave up 10 years earlier suddenly shows up. He is convinced that she is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who sent her away before the Evil Queen could cast a spell, freezing the fairytale world in time and bringing them to present day Storybrooke, Maine. After taking Henry home, Emma decides to stay in the town to keep an eye on him, and she discovers he may not be crazy after all. Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) is one of the many fairy tail people Emma swan meets. yes Hook as in captian hook from peter pan wich in this case hook doesnt have a bad perm and a waxed mustache instead is quite atractively dashing. and my favorie charector.sometimes wish i was him....any way... as he says there are two things he will fight for for revange and love. some tmes he adds in a ter reason wich is the "me myself and I" but i guess youll have to see te show to find out, I personally love a lot of the charecter build up and all the angles and shots and the plot twists. definatly a must see show if you like plot stwits fantasey and disney storyies or just plain out a different take on fairy tail cuase it doesnt fallow disent but some stories they use disney has used before aswell.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Renaissance fair
At a Renaissance fair in road island watching a real joust. A joust is when medieval knights engage in sport or contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances.
A lance is a long weapon for thrusting made out of wood with a pointed steel tip for charging with.sort of like a spear. At the fair there were many things to see and shop at. I bought many things such as pottery and jewelry. All the workers there had fakes British accents and were playing their roles, such as wenches, Royals and even cadres and nymphs!
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