Tuesday, November 3, 2015

southold /Peconic Animal Shelter

8  year old cat
young lab

                                                                             young kitten
                                                                         Adult pit

I volenteer for the southold animal shelter someties and hees are some photos of animals that have been there that need  a forever home. animals cant speack when they need help so we seack for them. southold animal shelter is a  NO KILL SHELTER meaning every animal has a erminet chance once there. they stay there till they find a home. please come visit us and maybe just look around atthe very least animal need the social love and compation. who knows maybe youll end up being a forever home for one o thees cute little guys.

Address: 269 Peconic Ln, Peconic, NY 11958

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice! I like the cat photos the best as they are unobstructed..
